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PHP CodeIgniter - Basic CRUD operation with MySQL Database with example

In this Post PHP CodeIgniter 4 instructional exercise, I will tell you the fundamental CRUD usefulness with MySQL Database. 

Muck is an abbreviation for Create, Read, Update, and Delete information base records. 

This is quite possibly the most well-known errand in the improvement to make something in the table, update some data, read information from a table, and erase data. 

In this model, I will utilize the bootstrap library to list posts and render the structures to make and alter posts. 

Download and Configure Codeigniter 4 Application 

In the initial step, I will download the new form of Codeigniter 4, Go to this connection constantly Codeigniter 4, and unfasten this application in your working registry and change the application name to muck. 

Run the writer order to download the conditions.

Now I will configure the base URL in app/Config/App.php.

public $baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080';
public $baseURL = 'http://localhost/crud/public';

Configure Database and Create Table

In this progression, I will make an information base originally called muck and make another table post in this muck data set. 

You can run the underneath SQL inquiry to make posts table in your information base.

CREATE TABLE `posts` (
 `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 `description` text NOT NULL,
 `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,

Presently I need to refresh the information base qualification in the data set config document. 

I need to go application/Config/Database.php and open the Database.php document in a proofreader.

public $default = [
        'DSN'      => '',
        'hostname' => 'localhost',
        'username' => 'root',
        'password' => '',
        'database' => 'crud',
        'DBDriver' => 'MySQLi',
        'DBPrefix' => '',
        'pConnect' => false,
        'DBDebug'  => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
        'cacheOn'  => false,
        'cacheDir' => '',
        'charset'  => 'utf8',
        'DBCollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
        'swapPre'  => '',
        'encrypt'  => false,
        'compress' => false,
        'strictOn' => false,
        'failover' => [],
        'port'     => 3306,

Create a Model

In this step, I will create a model file PostModel.php to communicate with the posts table in the app/Models/ directory.

namespace App\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class PostModel extends Model
    protected $table = 'posts';
    protected $allowedFields = ['title', 'description'];


Create Controller

In this step, I will create a controller record Posts. Hypertext Preprocessor in the app/controllers directory. In this controller record, I will create a few approaches to carry out crud operation.

index() - this method is used to list all the posts.
create() - this method is used to render the create form.
store() - this method is used to insert the new post into the table.
edit() - this method is used to render the edit form.
update() - this method is used to update the post information.
delete() - this method is used to delete the post information from a database table.

use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use App\Models\PostModel;
class Posts extends Controller
    public function index()
        $model = new PostModel();
        $data['posts'] = $model->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->findAll();
        return view('posts', $data);
    public function create()
        return view('create-post');
    public function store()
        helper(['form', 'url']);
        $model = new PostModel();
        $data = [
            'title' => $this->request->getVar('title'),
            'description'  => $this->request->getVar('description'),
        $save = $model->insert($data);
        return redirect()->to( base_url('posts') );
    public function edit($id = null)
     $model = new PostModel();
     $data['post'] = $model->find($id);
     return view('edit-post', $data);
    public function update()
        helper(['form', 'url']);
        $model = new PostModel();
        $id = $this->request->getVar('id');
        $data = [
            'title' => $this->request->getVar('title'),
            'description'  => $this->request->getVar('description'),
        $save = $model->update($id,$data);
        return redirect()->to( base_url('posts') );
    public function delete($id = null)
     $model = new PostModel();
     $data['post'] = $model->where('id', $id)->delete();
     return redirect()->to( base_url('posts') );


Create Views

In this step, I will create the respective HTML files.



 Codeigniter 4 CRUD Tutorial -  posts List Example - Blazingcoders








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  • Codeigniter crud operations with MySQL download

  • Codeigniter crud operations with MySQL GitHub

  • Codeigniter 4 crud operations with MySQL

  • Codeigniter crud bootstrap
  • crud operations with file upload in Codeigniter
  • crud operation in Codeigniter GitHub

  • crud operation in Codeigniter using ajax

  • Codeigniter crud generator

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